Administrative assistance for families

Administrative assistance for families

The Luxembourg national health office, the Caisse Nationale de Santé manages care insurance. Decisions to provide benefits and allowances are the responsibility of the Administration d'évaluation et de contrôle which is a public service under the authority of the Ministry of Health and Social Security.

Care insurance benefits cover the costs and assistance required for dependant persons.

All persons who are affiliated to the national health insurance scheme have a right of access to care insurance.

The conditions for receiving care insurance are :

  • to be a dependant (i.e. need someone’s help, be it by a professional or a family member, to perform basic functions as regards personal hygiene, nutrition and mobility)
  • the need for assistance should be for a minimum period of six months or be irreversible
  • the dependence must be so severe as to require assistance for at least 3.5 hours per week
  • the need for assistance must be a consequence of illness

The Fondation Autisme Luxembourg acts as a go-between between families and the « cellule d'orientation et d'évaluation » for the following:

  • advice and support when submitting a request for benefits and allowances to the dependency care insurance
  • manage the administrative side regarding various services, such as aids and care of essential acts of life (AEV), independence support activities, home support services,...
  • administrative support regarding staff documentation
  • training within the FAL, explaining the various benefits of the dependency care insurance
  • collaboration with the Tricentenaire for administrative procedures

Further information is available on the following websites:

Care insurance
L' Assurance dépendance en bref

Legislation : Book V of the Social Security code : Care insurance